
The Wedwish

A wedding photography site built using Gatsby with good User Experience and aesthetic design.

Investor Portal

A place where you can invest in the available funds and maintain the record of the funds. You can view the content in English and Arabic.


E-commerce application to view products,search products, purchase and add reviews.

Social Network

Social Network for Developers is full stack application which can be used to connect to different developers and you can share cool stuff with them and also read the posts written by them.

Feedback App

Feedback App is a full stack web application which can be used to collect feedback from users for a survey/campaign via mail. User has to use credits to send mail for each survey/campaign.

Contact Directory

Contact Directory is a full stack responsive web application where you can keep your contacts, containing email and phone number.

Typing Insanity

Test your typing speed with the calculation of WPM along with the accuracy.

Loan Calculator

Loan Calculator is a simple web application built using simple JavaScript.